North Carolina Violence Prevention Coordinating Team
About the NCVPCT
The North Carolina (NC) Violence Prevention Coordinating Team (NCVPCT) was
founded in the summer of 2019 by staff members from various NC violence prevention
organizations, including the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, North
Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, North Carolina Health and Human Services,
Department of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, and the UNC
Injury Prevention Research Center. The founding members went through a process of
developing goals of the NCVPCT and then recruited additional members to expand the
representation to other violence prevention organizations in NC.
The purpose of the NCVPCT is to bring together multidisciplinary partners who work in
different violence prevention sectors and related fields. We use a collaborative
approach to increase communication and collective impact on violence prevention in NC
through the development of tangible and aligned actions. This group works on a
combination of projects and action items in addition to having a space for strategic
planning and critical conversations.
The NC VPCT is comprised of members from various organizations/agencies working to
prevent violence within the state of NC in some capacity. Each member of the NC
VPCT has a vested interest in aligning efforts and coordinating resources in order to
have a wider impact on violence prevention across the state.
Current Member Organizations
● MomsRising
● North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
● North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault
● North Carolina Health and Human Services, Department of Public Health, Injury
and Violence Prevention Branch
● North Carolina Health and Human Services, Department of Public Health, Title V
● North Carolina Partnerships for Children
● Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina
● University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Injury Prevention Research Center
Group Goals
Over the next 5 years, the NC VPCT will work towards executing several prioritized
goals collectively identified by the group. These efforts began in January 2023, and will
conclude in December 2027. These goals will be reevaluated by the group every two
years and updated as needed.
Two year goals
- Develop a detailed action plan to accompany goals that include tangible and aligned
actions and identifies a lead member organization - At least on a bi-annual basis, assess needs of Prevent Violence NC website and
continue to support ongoing success and continuation - Contribute to the implementation of the ACEs section of the NC State Health
Improvement Plan
Five year goals
- Coordinate the ACEs and violence prevention component of the State Injury and
Violence Prevention Action Plan - Continue to recruit and engage a diverse group of violence prevention key partners to
move forward in a clear & unified direction - Create a platform (e.g., summit, gathering, webspace) for key partners in violence
prevention to meet and deepen coordinating efforts
Contact Us
If you are interested in connecting with or joining the NCVPCT, please email Siarra
Scott (