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In the spring and summer of 2021, the Injury-Free NC team hosted the Academy on Workplace Policies and Supports to Prevent Violence and Promote Well-Being. The primary goal of the Academy was to build the capacity of community-based teams in order to help them effectively promote and advocate for workplace policies that reduce the risk for violence and increase protective factors for individuals and families. View the application packet from 2021 to learn more about this academy.

What Do We Mean by Workplace Policies and Supports? 

Many forms of violence share a common set of risk and protective factors and health outcomes. Addressing overlapping protective factors can help protect people and communities. Strengthening economic support for individuals and families, creating a healthy organizational climate, and promoting workplace-friendly policies have been proven and recommended to prevent multiple forms of violence and promote individual and family health. Examples include but are not limited to various types of paid leave, living wage, flexible and/or predictable working schedules, pregnancy accommodations, and infant feeding supports.

  • Access resources related to workplace policies and supports here
  • Read a case study on the 2021 Academy on Workplace Policies and Supports to Prevent Violence and Promote Well-Being developed by Safe States Alliance